Tree's out your ears

My childhood memories and what I think now ...
Tree's out your ears 
I remember being told if you eat apple cores or the seeds from nectarines a tree will grow out of your tummy and pop out your ears ... when I was little I would actually scrub and check my ears as much as possible to make sure there where not tree's or branches growing from them. I did however think it would be rather handy if I was hungry. 
My other favourite was if you swallowed bubble gum your insides would stick together (as children most of us have very vivid imaginations - very graphic imaginations...) I never swallowed bubble gum as a result . 

What i think now
HHHHMMMM - I still dont swallow pip's of any kind !! I carefully dissect them out of grapes, nectarines, apples even watermelons - also I don't eat the inside of cumbers because of the little pip's ...
This just makes me think about what I say to my children and what imagery's I put into my children's heads. So next time you make up a story think for how long your child might remember that story ...

Need I say more ...
